Kindness is Simple

Every morning, there's an older gentleman who walks down the street in front of our school. He smiles and waves to every car that passes him, no matter which direction they're going. It's a great way to start the day.

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The world needs more kindness

A message of kindness and love towards one another can go a long way.

  • In Families

    Sometimes you have that perfect moment. But most of the time, it's not perfect. Most of the time, there are busy schedules and varying agendas. We strive to create products to help each of us remember that families are also teams, and to encourage kindness and cooperation in the everyday busyness of life.

  • Connection Calls for Confidence

    Finding common ground in a world full of divisiveness can seem hard at first, and it is well worth the effort. Kindness is a key that opens doors long-shut. Find some inspiration in our products.

  • Across Cultures

    When we truly look around the world, we see life, color, traditions, foods, and most importantly, incredible people. Each culture, like individual people, is different. Isn't that beautiful? And within every culture we find people like ourselves. Introverts. Extroverts. Sassy. Meek. Thrill-seekers. Homebodies. In our differences, we can find flavor and adventure. In our similarities, we can find friendship. Our strengths and our weaknesses can dovetail to lift us all. We hope you find something here that inspires you to reach out.